Visa Services

Visa Services

Our Visa Services includes the following;

  • Processing of Maid Visa
  • Processing of Residence Visa
  • Processing Commercial License in Dubai
  • Processing Industrial License in Dubai
  • Family Visa Processing
  • Labor and Immigration Visas processing
  • Processing Branch/Representative office of foreign Company

Visa Processing

Stamping certificates

Stamping certificates from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Resident, Family

Resident, family and employee visas.

Application for refund

Application for refund of bank guarantees by Ministry of Labour.

Form completion

Form completion for Emirates ID cards.


Extension of visit visas.

Refunds of deposits

Refunds of deposits made at the Immigration Department.

Driving license applications

Driving license applications and assistance

Family Visa Processing

U.A.E occupants need to support his/her family and kid we measure the family visa quick as you need.


Having a substantial Resident visa stepped on your identification and having a legitimate Emirates ID are the prerequisites in UAE to support your relatives. Also, your compensation referenced on the work contract chooses your qualification to support your relative. As indicated by the Dubai movement, any individual procuring a compensation of 4000 AED or more can support their relatives on a Residences visa. The other necessity is the Ejari tenure agreement of your condo or a tenant contract in your name from any level or home.

Certain different prerequisites are relying upon the circumstance:

  • In the event that a lady wishes to support her better half and kids, she needs to hold a home license posting her calling as an instructor, engineer, attendant, specialist or some other calling in the clinical area. Her compensation ought to be at least 10,000 AED or 8,000 AED with convenience. She will likewise have to present any extra archives mentioned by the pertinent specialists.
  • Exiles wishing to support their folks need to keep a store as an ensure and give confirmation that there is no method for care back home. The ostracize ought to procure the base referenced compensation (20,000 AED or 19,000AED and two-room convenience) and acquire a yearly clinical protection strategy for the two guardians with the base expressed inclusion per parent.
  • On the off chance that an ostracize wishes to support his stepchildren, there are sure conditions spread out by GDRFA that should be followed. It is compulsory to have a composed no-complaint endorsement from the organic parent and a financial store for every youngster.
  • A Muslim ostracize can support two spouses if the essential things and conditions spread out by the GDRFA are satisfied
  • Single parents who need to support their kid should save a store for every kid and produce a composed no complaint authentication from the natural parent.
  • An ostracize can support his little girl just in the event that she is/they are unmarried
  • An ostracised can support his child just until he is 18. In the event that the child is concentrating in UAE or abroad after 18, sponsorship is given until the child is 21 years if proof is shown that he is seeking after training.

Sorts of family visas in Dubai

There are 3 sorts of family visas in Dubai.

  • One (1) year family visa – people supporting their stepchildren will get a 1 year UAE Resident visa which ought to be recharged every year.
  • Two (2) a long time family visa – in view of the support’s 2 years work contract 2 years family visa is allowed.
  • Three (3) a long time family visa – in view of the support’s 3 years work contract 3 years family visa is allowed

Records required

  • Essential records to deal with a visa for your Wife/kid
  • Support (Husband) visa duplicate all bio pages – delicate duplicate
  • Support (Husband) visa duplicate – delicate duplicate
  • Support (Husband) Emirates ID – Original required
  • Ejari – Soft duplicate
  • Work contract – Soft duplicate
  • Your image – Soft duplicate
  • Marriage declaration with validation – Soft duplicate
  • Spouse’s identification duplicate all bio pages – Soft duplicate
  • Spouse’s new shading identification size photograph – Soft duplicate

On the off chance that you are supporting your folks, second spouse, stepchildren, child or girl, read under “Qualification” to know the extra reports you should submit alongside these.

Cycle till stepping

Here is the bit by bit cycle to finish a family visa in Dubai

Gathering the records (delicate duplicates and Original Emirates ID)

Send the delicate duplicates of the necessary records and hand over the Original Emirates ID to us. On the off chance that you would prefer not to go to our office, we can gather it through dispatch.

Record opening

Another record should be made in the movement framework utilizing the gave reports. Then, at that point they will continue to make the section grant.

Passage grant

There are 2 kinds of passage licenses. After the record has been opened, the passage license application will be done dependent on your relative’s area. On the off chance that your relative is in Dubai, you can get the primary sort of passage grant. In the event that your relative is out of UAE, you need to handle the second sort of passage grant

Passage grant – new – home – (kids/spouse) – Resident support working in private area/free zone/government (inside)

Passage license – new – home – (kids/spouse) – Resident support working in private area/free zone/government (outside)

In the event that a candidate is in Dubai, change status and if not in Dubai, enter Dubai

When the passage license has been endorsed if your relative is in Dubai, the status change application should be finished. On the off chance that they are out, they can enter Dubai utilizing the passage license.


The clinical test for issuance of a family home visa should be done at any clinical Center that has been supported by the Dubai Health Authority and Ministry of Health and Prevention. You can visit the closest supported clinical Center in Dubai.

Vital records

Substantial Passport Copy.

Substantial Entry license

2 Passport size photo with white foundation

Emirates ID

To get an Emirates ID card, the structure on the FAIC site will be filled and submitted with the reports referenced beneath:

Unique identification

Unique legitimate residency or passage grant

Unique birth testament or father’s visa or Emirates ID

Identification and visa of the supporter of the candidate (just for babies)


According to the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) rules, all visa holders should have clinical protection plans supported by the DHA.

Individual clinical strategy forwards with a yearly restriction of 150,000 AED and 20% coinsurance payable by the safeguarded, can be bought through nearby protection suppliers.

Administrations can be hailed by means of acknowledged wellbeing habitats, centres, emergency clinics, and so on 20% coinsurance is payable by the protected with 500 AED payable for every experience and an absolute yearly cap of 1000 AED. The guarantor will bear 100% expense of treatment over these cutoff points. Counting coinsurance, the charge of medication and medications has a yearly constraint of 1,500AED. 30% payable by the protected with respect to each solution. No cover for medications and drugs over as far as possible. Confined to a rundown of model items were accessible at the doctor and the drug specialist


The visa holder ought to either enter Dubai or play out a status change within 60 days from the date of issue of the section license. They should then continue to get Emirates ID and perform clinical to proceed with the visa stepping.

Handling Industrial License in Dubai

  • Family Visa Processing
  • Work and Immigration Visas handling
  • Handling Branch/Representative office of unfamiliar Company

Contact Us for any query, information and services